Monday, September 17, 2007

Kim, Sarah, and Diddy

Kim Porter vs. Sarah Chapman

I think, first of all, that Sarah looks like a light skinned version of Kim Porter. You could say that Diddy seems to have a certain taste . . . kinda like Eddie Murphy's taste in women pre-divorce. But Diddy's women are prettier. Smarter? Not. But definitely prettier.

Kim and Puff and Sarah have a triangle similar to what many baby mama's and long term boyfriends have. The only difference is, those fools were smart enough to get paid, but not smart enough to get wifed. Still, they were BOTH smarter than Keisha and Tay-nesha up the street, sharing the same baby daddy and screaming at each other on borrowed Cricket phones. Sarah and Kim can take an exotic trip to chill - on child support payments alone; Key and Tay better hope that nick sack they came up on is some kill.

Chapman's Story


  1. I am sorry to say, but Kim Porter looks like a RAT

  2. IM DEAD...DOA...
    Keisha and Tay-nesha up the street, sharing the same baby daddy and screaming at each other on borrowed Cricket phones.

    You are A DAMN FOOL!


Just say what you feel!