Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Chrihanna Love Story

I ran across these pictures of Chris Brown and Rihanna and I have to there no hope for the young love? *sniffle sniffle*

The Beginning. He wanted a chance:

He really wanted a chance:

She wanted to give him a chance too:

Getting whipped (him).

Enamored, still getting whipped.



Falling deeper....both of them....

Lovin life! Young, beautiful, and rich!

Hollywood, baby!

Hmm....that's dancing?

Got her. Conquered. She's whipped now.

Can't breathe without him.

Isn't this the way it always goes? Hmph!

Is there Hope?


  1. I still believe in love, relationships working...all that. I'm not bitter or scorned in the least bit after what happened to me. LOVE ROCKS AND WILL LIVE FOREVER!

  2. and yes love will prevail! I'm living proof of that, I'm in a happy, healthy, beautiful loving relationship :)

    BUT I'm betting 5 bucks that these two will be back together and also that this isnt the first time they were beating on each other


Just say what you feel!